You can use the Microsoft Graph Powershell module to download last sign in date / time for users from the Beta endpoint ( the signInActivity is currently not available in v1.0 ) and save the list to a .csv file. You must have the Microsoft Graph powershell module installed. This document will help you get started.
My powershell script:
# This script uses the Microsoft Graph Powershell Module: # please ensure the module is installed. $outFilePath = 'c:\temp\lastSignIns.csv' $hasError = $false Connect-MgGraph -scopes "Directory.Read.All", "AuditLog.Read.All" Select-MgProfile -Name beta try{ $users = Get-MgUser -All -Property "id, userPrincipalName, displayName, signInActivity" -ErrorAction Stop -ErrorVariable GraphError | Select-Object -Property id, userPrincipalName, displayName, @{Name='lastSignInDateTime';Expression={$_.signInActivity.lastSignInDateTime};} Write-Host "Downloaded report to memory..." } catch { Write-Host "Error downloading report: $GraphError.Message" $hasError = $true } if(!$hasError){ try{ Write-Host "Writing to .csv file..." $users | Export-Csv -Path $outFilePath Write-Host "Report saved at $outFilePath" } catch { Write-Host "Error saving .csv: $_.ErrorDetails.Message" } } Disconnect-MgGraph